Zombie Island

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Zombie Island

#Zombie Island | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Zombie Island is an island off the coast of Seattle owned by Fillmore-Graves. Originally meant to be an independent nation, Carey Gold feared going public and having all zombies wiped out. Due to her machinations, 10,000 people became zombies and Seattle was walled off by the government. Zombie Island was left alone for over two years.

In the finale, Dead Enders caused Liv to petition for the government to move all zombies to the island. As a result, all bigotry ends and the brains of the deceased are shipped to sustain the populace. However an Dead Ender suicide bomber set himself off in SPD Morgue which killed everyone but Liv so for her protection the world was made to believe she was dead while she went to the island later going to married Major and adopt the kids she personally smuggled into New Seattle.

Trivia[] Liv and Major run Zombie Island, but someone else may be the public face seeing as the outside world believes Liv is dead . Terminal children are a majority of the populace, having been turned/adopted.




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